Software News

optimizing for performance: Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
Adobe recently hosted a one-hour session about optimizing for performance of both Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. They've made available a screen recording of the event, as well as links to additional information.

They also include a reminder to install the latest updates!
blogs.adobe.comoptimizing for performance: Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
blogs.adobe.comCS5 Production Premium updates: After Effects, Premiere Pro, AME, Photoshop, Bridge, Camera Raw

Boris FX Releases Boris AAF Transfer Version 2
Boris has released Boris AAF Transfer Version 2, a set of two Apple Final Cut Pro plug-ins for transferring sequences between Final Cut Pro and Avid editing and finishing systems. One of the plug-ins exports Avid-compatible AAF format files from Final Cut Pro to Avid editing and finishing systems. The other plug-in imports AAF format files from Avid editing and finishing systems to Final Cut Pro.
BorisBoris FX Releases Boris AAF Transfer Version 2


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