Sony HXR-NX3 webchat with Den Lennie

Sony Europe held a Facebook chat with Den Lennie about the new HXR-NX3 (currently $3,795) on Thursday. You can read it here . I've put together the highlights below: Q: Will the NX3 replace HXR-NX5 (currently $3,395) ? Alvaro Ortiz: No, NX3 won't replace NX5. They will live together. However, both products, even having almost the same body (as that of Z100), have different specs: WiFi, 50p, SDI, HXR-FMU128 compatibility... but, to be honest, I love NX3 even more! Kanta: The NX3 isn't a direct successor of the NX5. NX5 has SDI and it is good for those who really need it for broadcast system etc. NX3 is more general purpose camera at lower price. Alvaro Ortiz: BTW, for those interested, as you can see we are basically sharing the same body between HXR-NX5, NX3 and Z100. The main reason is that most of NX5 users were really glad about the weight, the balance, and the lens touch of such chassis. Also, that lens allows us a little margin with different sen...