News from Here & There
Panasonic AG-AF100 Philip Bloom has updated his blog about his experiences with the prototype Panasonic AG-AF100/101 . He likes the video camera characteristics it offers; very little moire, ND filters, things like that, though noted that there was still a little rolling shutter and he didn't like the viewfinder: Coming from the EX3 with it’s awesome viewfinder and using a Zacuto Z-Finder on my Canons, looking in the EVF was like looking at a small screen at the end of tunnel. There was no way I could get focus with it. Too damn hard. I have no idea what the resolution is of it but if it was magnified it would be a lot easier to use. He still plans to get one... PhilipBloom : 3 days in Japan with the Panasonic AF100/101 Noise Reduction El Skid takes a look at Magic Bullet's De-Noiser plug-in: ...You can clearly see how the noise reduction creates a more caramel like image and if you watch the Nissan video you can see the footage has a very peculiar shiny plastic f