Dispatch from a 48 Hour Film Project Screening
Last night I went to one of the six screenings of films made in this years Boston 48 Hour Film Project . This year 84 teams started the event and 81 finished - 63 of them on time. Having watched a team make a film, and being aware of what goes in to this sort of thing, I really think that everyone did a great job. Not all of the films were brilliant; and it's probably not surprising that none of the films were really perfect, but it was still an interesting - and inspiring - night for aspiring filmmakers. Here's some more tips I gleaned from the showing: Plan your time: A significant number of films were 'late.' You have to plan out your post time, how long it will take to render that last edit (and leave yourself enough time incase there's a problem with that render) AND leave plenty of time to get to the drop-off point. Audio, audio, audio: The consistently weak part in many of the productions was the audio. Image quality was actually pretty good (thanks to