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Canon EOS C300 Price Drop Already? [CR1] | Canonrumors When Canon announced the C300 they gave an approximate price of $20,000, though some reporters have said that it seemed like Canon hadn't really finalized the price. Canon still hasn't confirmed a price, but now there's reports that the price will be closer to $16,000, though there had been speculation that the street price would be about $16,000 when it was announced... A hands on look at the Canon C300 | Philip Bloom | Blog Philip Bloom got to spend some time with Canon reps discussing the C300 and reports: Honestly the Scarlet and the C300 seem like two different cameras for two different markets to me. The Scarlet is aimed squarely at the lower budget narrative crowd (though not the micro budget as it still costs a lot) whereas the C300 feels to me like a great large sensor broadcast camera. The specs meet the minimum broadcast standard for the majority of big HD broadcasters. 422 50mb/s in camera which t