Tell Me About the Canon XF100 & XF105

It's not all C300's and Scarlet X's here at NotesOnVideo. In fact, I don't even have the budget to dream about those cameras, so let's talk about something I might be able to afford... One of the most popular video's I've posted on YouTube is oddly enough this little piece on the Canon XF100 [$2,995] XF105 [$3,999] taken at last year's Canon Expo in New York. [ Yes, I have no idea why it had 57,000 views either...-Ed] I think people must assume I work for Canon or something, because I get questions about the camera, like the one's below. And even though I've never even used the camera, I'm happy to take a swipe at answering them: Hi there... here are some questions I have about this camera: 1. Has it got a good zoom? How much? It's pretty good. 10x (30.4mm-304mm, 35mm equivalent] I don't know how smooth the zoom is on the camera (or whether that's important to you.) I'm told that it has the same lens block as t...