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Addressing the Rumors | Kimberly Snyder | Kodak Kim Snyder , President of Kodak’s Entertainment Imaging Division, tries to address the ongoing concerns about film, it's future, Kodak's support of film, and Kodak's future: We are leveraging Kodak technology and intellectual property to bring an innovative digital asset management solution to market. It’s designed for content owners with assets of all formats created over the years. And we will soon be introducing a new film! A new member of the VISION3 family of color negative films will be added to your film choices. With the latest film technology in the can, you can keep rolling in the most challenging production situations – on set or on location – and maintain a high resolution image through post and distribution. Furthermore, with film still maintaining its archival leadership role in preserving the memorable images of the past centuries, we continue R&D towards expanding our archival film products to create