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There were so many interesting things that came over the transom yesterday it seemed necessary to do a special Saturday update: Raw is not log, log is not raw. They are very different things | Alister Chapman | XDCAM-USER.COM An important difference: Raw simply records the raw, unprocessed data coming off the video sensor, it’s not even a color picture as we know it, it does not have a white balance, it is just digital “1′s” and zeros coming straight from the sensor. S-Log, S-Log2, LogC or C-Log is a signal created by taking the sensors output, processing it in to an RGB or YCbCr signal and then applying a log gamma curve. 10 Most Expensive Mistakes Filmmakers Make | Elliot Grove | RainDance 2. Your Friends Can’t Act I know you think your script is pretty damn good (lets face – none of your mates have the balls or the know-how to tell you it sucks) and now you really want to squander whatever nest egg your producer has whipped together for your budget? The C...