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Review of Sony FS700 part1 live! | Philip Bloom | Blog Philip posts the first part of his video review of the Sony NEX-FS700 : The review is broken up into two parts. This one focuses on initial impressions and the super slow motion function. Part two is coming shortly in the next couple of days and focuses on the pros and cons of the camera. It's advantages and limitations, an examination of the image and it's low light performance.. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 | Antony Bolante | MacWorld Another review of Premiere Pro CS6 : With the introduction of Prelude and SpeedGrade—not to mention the advent of the Creative Cloud—it’s tempting to define Premiere Pro CS6 in terms of a larger video workflow. [...] CS6 extends the performance gains of CS5 to a wider range of users, particularly mobile editors with the proper laptop configuration. But what makes CS6 a worthy upgrade is its focus on enhancing its raison d’ĂȘtre: more fluent video editing. After Effects CS6 (11.0.1) updat...