
Showing posts from August 31, 2008

Panasonic AG-HMC70U Second Impressions

I’ve had the AG-HMC70U for a couple of weeks, and shot the first project with it the weekend before last. Here’s some follow-up thoughts about the camera. The audio options are really nice. I put a wireless mic on one XLR channel, but was still able to use the internal mic for the other channel. While the internal mic is not the greatest, it did provide good backup for the wireless mic to record other sounds that weren’t being captured (like someone not on the mic.) I used auto volume control so I didn’t have to mess with things, and was happy with the results. It’s really good to be using a shoulder camera again. Particularly for man-on-the-street interviews. The first day I went out to shoot with the camera I was mainly doing experiments, and holding the camera in my hands as I’ve kind of gotten used to that with the FX1. I was disappointed with the results as the images seemed much shakier. I was much happier with the results this time; it worked much better being used how it was in