Sony NEX-FS100 update
Video Review Sean Seah at Firewerks Films in Singapore got his hands on an NEX-FS100 and put together a short video review. He thinks it's a really nice camera and demo's how the microphone mount, LCD and VF tube work. He doesn't like the adjustment for the hand grip, and says that hand holding it is "a bit weird," either with or without the VF tube. "And yeah, one glaring omission; where's the ND filter?" The last half of the video (starting at 6:20) has video taken with the camera, including some low-light stuff. Sony NEX FS-100 Review from Firewerkz Films on Vimeo . Den Lennie video now posted at 1080p F-Stop Academy has posted a 1080P version of the music video they shot with the FS100 . F-StopAcademy : **UPDATE*** Full 1080P version of FS100 Footage now Available An hour with the NEX-FS100U John Burkhart at Mynan Media - also in Singapore - also got to spend an hour with the NEX-FS100U , and has posted his impressions o