More Love (& Hate) for the Sony NEX-FS100

Only a few days old, and the NEX-FS100 seems to have prompted as much heated reaction as any camera announcement I can remember. Much of it might be written off as a difference of opinion between the different factions of the video community; ENG Video Pros don't seem to like the compromises (lack of ND, small controls, no HD-SDI) while DSLR shooters aren't so sure they need all the buttons, and don't like the price. And everyone agrees that what they really want is the PMW-F3 for $2,500. Could Sony finally have made a camera that no one likes? Let's not be too hasty. It's second hand reporting, but Ira Block reports that his friend Mark Forman has had a chance to play with the NEX-FS100 and said of it: He told me the native ISO for the camera is 800 and the night footage that I saw which he shot at 2400 ISO, had very little noise. [...] The Sony is a true video camera with a monitor and good sound capabilities. It also accepts professional cables. Mark...