News from Here & There
Switching from Final Cut to Adobe Premiere Apple may be trying to take down Adobe Flash , but Adobe isn't afraid to take the gloves off and return the favor; they are hosting a series of webcasts on what it's like to go from Final Cut to Premiere . There's links to the four separate webcasts at the Provideo Coalition, which cover: Day 1: Leveraging Advanced Features and the Mercury Playback Engine in Adobe Premiere Pro with Chris Fenwick Day 2: HDSLR editing in Adobe Premiere Pro with Richard Harrington Day 3: Tight Integration and Multi-Format Timelines in Adobe Premiere Pro with Colin Smith Day 4: Making the Switch Q&A with Industry Experts Karl Soule & Kevin Monahan ProvideCoalition : Thinking of Switching to Adobe Premiere Pro Lighting Design In the first of what he says will be a series, Shane Hurlbut talks about lighting in the context of lighting for a scene in the 1998 movie " The Rat Pack ." ShaneHurlbut : Lighting: An inside lo