News From Here & There

Microsoft to the rescue for H.264 on Chrome!
Google created a stir by announcing that they were no longer going to support H.264 in Chrome. Now comes Microsoft to the rescue with a plug-in for Google Chrome on Windows to provide support for H.264.

Dean Hachamovitch, Corporate Vice President, Internet Explorer has posted a fairly lengthy blog post explaining why they are doing this, and also their ongoing support for H.264.

One interesting factoid; at the very end is a note that "Microsoft pays into MPEG-LA about twice as much as it receives back for rights to H.264."
IEBlogHTML5 and Web Video: Questions for the Industry from the Community
NotesOnVideoGoogle to drop H.264 support from Chrome

Marshall Electronics says that it's 7" monitor, the V-LCD70XP-HDMIPT is the World's 1st camera-top LCD monitor with integrated HDMI Loop-Through.
It ships next week.

Who Owns Your Video?
A short primer on video ownership, this article explains whether you give up your rights when you upload a video to YouTube - not completely - and also explains whether you own a video if you paid someone else to make it for you; depends on whether they are a W-2 employee or a freelancer, and if the latter, whether you got a work for hire agreement.
ReelSEOWho Owns Your YouTube Video? You, YouTube, Or Someone Else Entirely?

Avatar Technical Specs
It's interesting that Sony and RED are batting around the idea of 4K cameras, when Avatar - the highest grossing movie of all time so far - was shot digitally using HD (1920 x 1080) cameras.
IMDB: Avatar Technical Specifications
NotesOnVideoWelcome to 4K Sony, Seriously


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