The evolution of animation
I’ve been using Final Cut Pro for three or four years now. Prior to that I’d been using Premiere , but when Adobe – temporarily – abandoned the Mac platform, I switched. Coming to Final Cut , I didn’t spend much time really learning the program; I figured out what I needed to do - how to cut clips, apply transitions and effects, and add titles - and away I went. Over the years I picked up how to use the 3-Way Color Corrector (after going to a demo on using XDCAM with Final Cut Pro !) but I never spent any time learning more. And I never got beyond Final Cut ; I never did more than launch Motion , and didn’t even get that far with Color or SoundTrack . It’s silly really, having these programs and not being able to use them to their full – or any - potential. After attending a recent seminar and seeing a demo of new features in these programs, it occurred to me that it was time to spend a bit of effort actually figuring out how to use these tools. So I started with Motion . Motion is