News From Here & There

Pushing The CineStyle Picture Style
During a recent shoot Tony Reale pushed the new Picture Style from Technicolor to the limits:
Instead of white balancing to 5600K or higher, I set my white balance at 3200K which resulted in a very blue image. Usually this would be unusable if not very difficult to color correct in post. But as you can see, I was able to get some really great results using CineStyle.
NextWaveDV: Pushing the limits of the CineStyle Canon 5D MkII color preset

"I'm Melting!!"
Yes, I'm biased against 3D; I think it's an interesting occasional experience - like going on an amusement ride - but not something I want to do every day. BUT, I do try to point to the positive stories as well as the negative ones. This isn't one of them.

Several recent movie releases suggest that attendance at 3D screenings of movies are declining (when Avatar was released, the 3D screenings generated much more money than the 2D screenings; of course, the 3D screenings are inflated by the increased ticket prices.) But that seems to be changing, the latest example is the latest release in the Pirates franchise:
According to Len Klady’s Sunday reporting, 66% of Pirates 4 screens were 3D screens and Disney told him that just 48% of the box office gross came from those screens.
MovieCityNews: Pirates & 3D

The Three Reasons Screenplays Fail
The Lone Gun Manifesto lists and explains the three reasons that screenplays fail [there's just three?! - Ed]
In my opinion they fall into three categories:
Poor research,
Poor preparation,
Inability to tell a story cinematically.
LoneGunManifesto: Sunday Blog: Why Screenplays Fail

Redrock Micro micro 3D rig
The micro3D support rig is a side-by-side (SxS) support rig for two-camera stereoscopic production. It is designed for smaller format cameras (the Canon XF305 shown in this promo video) and price-conscious stereographers. Like all Redrock equipment, the micro3D carries a lifetime warranty.
It's onsale now for $895 without the shroud, and $995 with.
B & H: Redrock Micro 2-083-0010 Micro3D S x S Rig (No Shroud)
B & H: Redrock Micro MICRO3D SXS RIG - w/SHROUD

Redrock Micro micro3D 3D support rig from Redrock Micro on Vimeo.
