Canon C300 Tests & Reviews

C300 Sunset Session - Austin, TX | Joe Simon | Vimeo
Joe got one of the first production Canon C300's, and has already posted a couple of test videos.
I did quite a bit of shooting into the sun and as you can see it holds up pretty good, both in the highlights and shadows.

I did a bit of color grading to pull the log image back to life, but not too much. I used basic FCP CC filters for this.

I used Canon L lenses - 35mm, 50mm, 70-200. Also the Tokina 11-16
Saturday with the C300 | Joe Simon | Vimeo
So today I wanted to go out and shoot with the C300 and to play in the menus so I could familiarize myself with the different options. I also wanted to push the dynamic range again as well as do some handheld shooting.
[...]I started at this cool little over look to the city, I love this shot as you can see how much "pop" this camera creates. I'm shooting with the sun to the left of the camera at 100 degrees and the lighting still looks pretty dam good.

Saturday with the C300 from Joe Simon Films on Vimeo.

Canon EOS C300 Test | | Vimeo
This video starts out with some pretty pictures, but then it turns into a camera test with comparison shots with different ISO's and picture profiles.

Canon EOS C300 Test from on Vimeo.

The Canon C300 Review | Edmond Terakopian | Photo This & That
Check the written review, as well as the demo reel below:
Firstly, I need to clarify that the C300 was a pre-production model; having said this, it performed flawlessly. Having never seen, let alone used this camera, after a few minutes of training by Canon’s staff at the event I was ready to shoot. It’s an amazingly simple camera to get to grips with with a clear menu system and extremely clearly market keys dotted around the camera; I found it ergonomically brilliant.

Canon C300 Demo Reel from Edmond Terakopian on Vimeo.
