SuperMeet Event Changes - Apple to unveil Final Cut?

Larry Jordan - who back in February was the first to report seeing a demo of the new version of Final Cut [NotesOnVideo: Final Cut Pro Update - confirmation] - has posted his thoughts on the news from the SuperMeet. He's actually puzzled why - assuming the rumors are true - Apple would do this. He argues that they are pissing off other vendors [well, Avid yes, Canon is probably fine about it, who knows about the others -Ed], placed the SuperMeet people in a difficult position with having to make these changes, and why does Apple even need to be at a trade show?

All good points. I must admit, even though I'd heard a suggestion that Apple was going to make an appearance at the SuperMeet last week, I'm still a little surprised - almost shocked - that they are. I've been telling people for the last couple of months not to expect a new version of Final Cut at NAB, because Apple doesn't do trade shows anymore; they aren't on the list of exhibitors at NAB at the moment.

Except that now, it appears, they do. Sort of. Is the New Final Cut Pro Coming at NAB?

Note: I suspect that there will be few further details about the event until it actually happens.]

@indyfcpug (The Indianapolis Final Cut Pro Users Group) reports there will be no live stream of this years SuperMeet. This is a departure from the most recent SuperMeets which have all been streamed live.

It has also been noted that despite the changes in the main program, there are NO changes to the vendor area or the venue for the SuperMeet.

The Twitterverse has been abuzz with comments from excited Final Cut Pro users, and a fair amount of snark from Avid users. Avid themselves may not be too happy about being bumped; Carter Holland, Marketing strategist and VP at Avid re-tweeted this comment:
RT @walterbiscardi: Instead of a roster of industry leaders & workflows, #SuperMeet now appears to be reduced to a single marketing pitch
They have also invited people to tell them what they think of Kevin Smith being bumped off the stage.]

Looks like something's up at the upcoming SuperMeet in Vegas; all the first half presenters - including Philip Bloom and Kevin Smith - have been pulled, and the SuperMeet site itself now just says:
The Final Cut Pro User Group Network is excited to have a very special guest presentation at the 10th Annual Las Vegas FCPUG SuperMeet. Come to see a surprise sneak peek at something very special - you really do not want to miss this one!
As of last week, there had been multiple presenters listed for the first half of the event, with a teaser for the second half details to be "posted shortly."

It's now widely thought that Apple is taking over, and is going to be showing something...we assume it would be the new release of Final Cut, since SuperMeet is run by the Final Cut Pro User Group Network.

Philip Bloom himself tweeted:
Afraid I won't now be speaking at the #supermeet next Tuesday at #nab. Hopefully something big will be announced there by Apple instead #fb
Hope the new version of FCP that should be announced on Tuesday will be everything we have hoped for and more... #fb
Avid has confirmed that at the last minute the SuperMeet event organizers cancelled Kevin Smith’s talk. They also say that they are looking for other opportunities to have Kevin speak to editors. Avid Community: Inside Out: Give Kevin Smith a Stage at NAB

ProVideoCoalition has more: Are you ready for FCP X? As does AppleInsider: Apple to announce new Final Cut Pro on April 12, pushing sponsors out of event



Unknown said…
Hopefully FCP and FCPUG will get back on track. For two years Supermeets have been infiltrated with sales pitches from Avid and Adobe. Individuals and companies cannot or do not want to switch NLEs.

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