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Cameras: 2012 Year In Review | Michael Murie | Filmmaker Magazine
1. The end of film
Film’s been having a tough time of it, but did anyone in 2011 think that 2012 would be the year that film would roll over and die?This was the year that Kodak went bankrupt, Fuji announced they would cease production of motion picture film, and the major film companies announced the timetable for moving toward 100% digital distribution. It was also the year that a James Bond movie was shot digitally.

I have been very impressed with the performance and look of this lens.  Its ultra sharp wide open which in itself is amazing.  There is also very little if any noticeable chromatic aberration.  Now this is normally a problem with very fast lenses.  It seems very hard for lens manufacturers to get sharpness combined with lack of chromatic aberration.  SLR MAGIC seems to have got this lens spot on.  

Seven Ways to Make 2013 Your Most Productive Year Ever | Joshua M Brown
| The Reformed Broker
1. Stay Away from "the News"
The news is mostly not news. Believe me, I traffic in this stuff online and on-air every day. But let's say it was all "real news"...then what? It isn't as though you're able to react to it, at least not all of it. In fact, the less of it you react to, the better off you probably are. My friend David Merkel talks about making as few decisions as possible, thus limiting the amount of bad or forced ones. This is the kind of advice that sounds so simple and obvious that it can't possibly be true - but it actually is true.

'Argo' Screenwriter Chris Terrio Describes His Research Immersion to Create Taut Thriller | Christopher Boone | No Film School
Terrio is no overnight success as you’ll learn from watching the video, even though Argo marks the first time many of us have noticed his writing talents. So keep writing, because overnight success stories like this are usually a decade in the making.

Editing 'Zero Dark Thirty:' Dylan Tichenor and William Goldenberg Assemble the Perfect Procedural | Oliver Peters | Creative Planet
The film was conceived before the raid on bin Laden’s compound occurred. It was to be about the hunt, but not finding him, after a decade of searching. The SEAL raid changed the direction of the film, but Bigelow and Boal still felt that the story to be told was in the work done on the ground by intelligence operatives that led to the raid. 

Q&A: The Diamond Brothers on the Blackmagic Cinema Camera | Bryant Frazer
| Studio Daily
We had, coincidentally, just purchased a full set of Duclos Cine-Mod Leica Rs for use with a Canon mount. We have both PL and Canon mounts for our Epics, and we prefer manual lenses — well, because they’re manual. We used those on the Blackmagic EF-mount camera. They’re not electronic, so they don’t take advantage of any of the on-board iris capabilities.

In the Field with the Blackmagic Cinema Camera | Bryant Frazer | Studio Daily
A continuation to the above article, more tips on using the camera:
The BMCC's sensor size translates to a "crop factor" of about 2.3 versus full-frame sensors. That means DPs are packing lenses that tend to the wide side. Solorio reports getting the "most pleasing" results on the wide side with the Sigma 8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 zoom, and suggests the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 as a somewhat faster lens.

Micro Expression: Exploring Motion Image Photography | Abraham Joff
| Untitled Films
A look at the Canon 1D C:
The other Huge advantage that the 1DC has over its rival 4K cameras is the expanded sensitivity of the latest sensor technology from Canon. The new benchmark achieved by 5Dm3 in low light performance has been raised again here with very useable vision captured as high as 12,800 in our testing. This is a big point to note when comparing the low light nature of RED cameras and another reason this camera is the obvious choice for quickly changing environments where you have little or no time to “light”.

9 Copyright Laws Every Video Producer Should Know | Amy Manzer | VideoMaker
Recording Location. Generally, you have the right to video at or from public places such as public streets, parks, and public events. However, your subjects also have privacy rights. You do not have the right to record at or from private places such as someone's home or business, without a signed release.

Canon C100 2012 Review | HD Warrior
Over the last week Philip Johnston at HD Warrior has collected together several reviews of new cameras from different users:
It’s definitely not a perfect camera. The main downside is that Canon’s Marketing Department were overzealous in crippling the C100 to protect the C300 – 720p50/60 is the standard for DVD material (great SD with web friendly HD) but is absent from the C100. There’s no intervalometer even though there’s a half-hearted Slow Shutter mode. The EVF is barely adequate for ensuring that the camera is pointing in the right direction, and neither the EVF or the Panel should be trusted for exposure and colour balance.


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