Canon C300 and RED Scarlet-X latest news

Hands-On Impressions of the Canon EOS C300 | Angelo Lorenzo | No Film School
He did get to handle the camera at the announcement event, but this is really a summary of his thoughts about the C300 vs the Scarlet, the image quality of the demo's shown, and a conclusion that we really need more than 2K.
The C300’s base sensitivity is rated at 640 ISO or 850 ISO (if you’re using Canon Log color) and spans a full 12 stops even at 20,000 ISO (higher ISO settings are known to reduce exposure latitude). A Canon rep pulled me aside to hint that their spec sheet is conservative, with 13+ stops in the field.

What is the point of the Canon C300? | Phil Rhodes | HD Magazine
The Canon 5D Mark II not withstanding, Phil believes that "Canon really do seem to have a talent for failing to do the obvious thing at the obvious time," and that the C300 is too expensive and/or too late. He's heard that the image quality is very good, but has concerns about the compression and output options:
The recording situation might have been slightly more understandable if the thing had a high-quality SDI output, but it's limited to 8-bit 4:2:2. I've made arguments in the past that few if any camera sensors actually have 10 bits of noise-free dynamic range, but nobody seems to believe me and I would therefore have expected Canon to try harder here. 4:4:4 isn't a necessity, though it's nice, and should be trivial to implement once the thing has a 3Gbps SDI port on it (which currently it lacks)

Canon C300 16000 ISO With Canon 14.5-60mm PL Zoom Lens Test Footage. Update .MXF file Link | Jared Abrams | Wide Open Camera
Some footage shot with the C300; you can now download the actual .MXF file to play with.

Cameras Make Headlines – The C300 and Scarlet | Chadwick Paul | Blog
Asks the question; Do You Really Need One Of These Cameras?
I see a lot of people (myself included, “me too”) react to announcements like this one and think – “If only I could or would purchase this camera THEN, I could really make something amazing“. This is a flawed mindset that I fall victim to far too often. Our DP here at the agency, who also moonlights as a shooter for NFL films, told me something that has stuck. It’s just another light tight box!

My view on the Canon C300 and RED scarlet | The Photographic World of Drew Gardner
Looking at what the announcement of these two cameras means:
I always felt it was only a matter of time before one of the seemingly sleeping mainstream giants, in the shape of Canon, Panasonic or Sony, woke up to what RED had been doing, and came up with their very own alternatives.

I believe that is the scenario that is with us right now.

I do hope that RED continue to thrive though, as more choice for the end user, inevitably means more competition, and better product.

EOS C300: Display- und XLR | YouTube
Video demo of the external monitor and XLR inputs for the C300, shot at the announcement.

ActionProducts Modular Solutions for the RED EPIC (Electra) | Cinescopophilia
Different power modules for the RED Epic (I have no idea if these will work with the Scarlet...)


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