BAVUG Event: The Powderhouse Punch Tuesday, Nov 15

The Boston Avid Users Group is meeting next Tuesday at Powderhouse Productions. If you're interested in attending you might want to hurry over to the registration page as there's only a few seats left (particularly in the General Admission category.)

How do you make consistently entertaining television programs on tight budgets and tight deadlines? Ask Rob Kirwan at Powderhouse Productions.

At our next BAVUG meeting, Rob will discuss how Powderhouse grew up with Avid and how they use Avid products such as Media Composer, Symphony and Interplay in their current setup and workflow. He will also touch on how the products have changed production models, business, etc.

Rob will also discuss his theories of editing style and how Powderhouse uses those theories in every program they produce to create a consistent product.

Powderhouse Productions
212 Elm St
Somerville, MA 02144

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (ET)
