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Importing AVCHD media into Premiere Pro on Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion) | Todd Kopriva
| Adobe
A couple of problems with Premiere Pro and the new OS X release:
It has come to our attention that Apple has made a change in Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion) that changes the way an AVCHD folder structure appears to the operating system once imported. This affects the workflow for importing AVCHD media into Premiere Pro CS6.
We have also today discovered a bug when using Premiere Pro with Mac OS X v10.8 in which AVCHD media that has gone offline cannot be successfully relinked.

Blackmagic Design Releases DaVinci Resolve 9 Public Beta for Mac, Windows and Linux! | Creative COW
Blackmagic releases a Public Beta for Resolve 9, as well as the Lite (free) version:
New user interface improvements include a new streamlined project import, export and selection workflow, scrubbable media thumbnails to speed up shot selection, production metadata fields for entering on set shot notes and larger color control palettes to give faster access to grading tools.

Six, (er) Seven New Features in Resolve 9 | Alex Van Hurkamn | Blog
Alex lists what he likes about the new release:
Mixed Frame Rate Support
For me, this is the single biggest new feature in this release. Bigger even then the new UI. Mixed frame rate media has been a frequent hassle in projects I get from clients. Most NLEs let you edit any kind of footage you want together into a single timeline, regardless of frame rate.

Academy of Art students work on 'Beasts' | Carolyn Said | SFGate
Should students work on films for nothing? As part of class?
"We work on independent films that don't have a budget for visual effects, so we aren't taking jobs away," she said. "We structure the class in teams set up like a studio. The more experienced students take ownership of the projects and serve as lead artists and production coordinators. They are learning the production pipeline of work with clients and real deadlines, not just homework deadlines."

3.2 inch Z-Finder Frame | Zacuto | Vimeo
Zacuto introduces the 3.2" Adhesive frame and 3.2" metal frame for the Z-Finder Pro and Jr models. No need to buy a new Z-Finder for your Canon 5d Mark III or Nikon D800, now you can just buy one of these frames and retrofit your existing Z-Finder. Watch this video for more information.

Notting Hill Sounds promo | Ed Moore | Camera Notes
A write-up on a shoot with two Sony F65's:
I’ve had very good experiences with the Sony F65 over the past few months so we went with a two camera F65 package from Filmscape. A camera had a 16-42mm and B camera had the Optimo 24-290. The F65 is hardly a small camera but if you have the crew to handle it I believe the results are unparalleled at present, and I’m a big fan of the mechanical shutter.

At the Bench: Sony’s SR-D1 Download Station for the F65 | Andy Shipsides
| CineTechnica
A look at playback deck for the F65 memory cards. It's an expensive piece of equipment (I think; I couldn't find the price anywhere other than an "under $5,000" quote in an article), but it does makes you wonder what the 4K option for the Sony NEX-FS700 will be:
At NAB this year, Sony gave us a first look at the new SR-D1 Memory Drive Unit, which is a single-card SRMemory reader. SRMemory is extremely fast and robust, but previous card readers offered more features then most required. The SR-D1 offers a simple downloading solution for the F65 and the SR-R1 recorder. It features eSata and USB 3.0 connections for quick offloading to both Mac and PC.

LIGHTING: The Most Common Light Leaks, and How to Stop Them | Art Adams
| ProVideoCoalition
A lighting tutorial that looks at lighting challenges:
Barn doors are generally not a matte black. The black coating has some shine to it. If one of the barn doors, typically the one opposite the set, is in exactly the right position, it will catch light on its interior surface and throw it across the set like a small shiny board.
I hate this.

I'm a long-time Bond fan, and I hope this is a good one. I hear it was shot on the Arri Alexa.
Casino Royale was a good movie, but the follow-up, Quantum of Solace, was way too confusing and pointless.


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