November 24th

Anything you can do...

It seems that Nikon might have a new full-frame sensor camera up it's sleeve - the Nikon D400 - that might get announced next week (or it might not.) While there's speculation about the resolution, release date, and other features, the biggest question of all is; will it support video like the D90 does, and might it support 1080p like the Canon 5D Mark II does.

It will be interesting to see if Nikon does announce this camera next week, given that it's just about the time that the 5D MkII is expected to start showing up in stores.

YouTube Project: Direct

Anyone see The Onions joke announcement of a competition run by YouTube to produce a video "that is somewhat watachable or provide even a shred of enjoyment for people other than those that made the video" ?

All good fun.

Well I missed the fact that there is a competition on YouTube called Project: Direct, where you could win a trip to the Sundance Film Festival. The film must include a red phone, 2 props from a list of 25, and can't be longer than 5 minutes.

You have until December 14th to enter.


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