Sony NEX-VG10 Firmware .02 available in US - possible Mac issues

The firmware update for the Sony NEX-VG10 is now available on Sony's U.S. website. There's versions for Mac and PC:

Firmware Update (version 02) NEX-VG10V2_Update1011a.dmg
Firmware Update (version 02) NEX-VG10V2_Update1011a.exe

Sony's support site goes to different pages for different OS's (i.e. 10.6 Mac is here) but I think there are only two installers.

One Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6) user at the dpreview forum encountered a problem when he tried to run the installer:

I followed the instructions for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and proceeded to update the firmware. During the update (Sony runs a small installer program that has an interface that shows the update being applied) the Mac Mini (new 2010 version) suffered a Kernel Panic and drew a grey screen and froze still!

The Mac was able to restart but the VG10 was dead- nothing I could do would cause the VG10 to operate (removed battery and restarted, removed SD card was dead!)

dpreview- Firmware Update Warning! (Max OS X 10.6)

Fortunately he was able to restore the camera using a PC!
