Notes from the Boston Creative Pro Users Group

Here’s some quick notes from the three speakers at last night’s Boston Creative Pro User Group meeting : Ben Consoli Final Cut Pro WorkFlow Ben Consoli of BC Media Productions started the evening off with a demonstration of Final Cut Pro X. He explained that he intended to show the workflow, not provide a training session as such. He said that the first thing he does when importing new media from a camera or card is create a camera archive of the material. He then demoed creating metadata in Final Cut Pro X , and how to add metadata, create Roles and use Filters. I’ve seen several metadata demos before, and I understand how they can be useful if you work in a certain way. Unfortunately, I have many bad editing habits, and I tend to just throw things onto timelines and start cutting, rather than go through and tag and divide things up before I start. Maybe if I had a production assistant I would be doing that more... That said, Final Cut Pro X can demo well. The Precisi...