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3 Minute Short Film Challenge BTS | Aaron Strader | Vimeo I already wrote about the 3 Minute FIlm Challenge ( Filmmaker : INSIDE A THREE-MINUTE FILM COMPETITION ) but Aaron Strader made a Behind-The-Scenes video: I was asked at the beginning of the day to shoot a BTS by Paul Antico and Rick Macomber. Shot everything with my Canon 60d. Big thanks to Todd Mahoney for supplying me with great GoPro video! Part of the July 1, 2012 "Under 3 Minute Film Challenge" sponsored by Anticipate Media and Macomber Productions. For this challenge each cinematographer, using a pen as a prop, had to produce a narrative script and shoot it in a few hours on location at The Willows Park in Salem, MA. In addition the phrase "This isn't going to be easy" also had to be used in the story. 3 Minute Short Film Challenge BTS from Aaron Strader on Vimeo . Interview with the creator of the Automatic Speech Alignment feature in Audition CS6 | Ellen Wixted | Adobe Brian King ...