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How Not To Market Your Movie | Jason Brubaker | Filmmaking Stuff Nobody cares about your movie unless they care about your movie. Stop sending long emails talking all about YOU. What’s in it for me? Really? You want to make another no-budget drama with no star talent? Usain Bolt Took a Bunch of Photos with a Swedish Guy's Camera. Who Owns the Rights to the Sprinter's Snapshots? | Krystal Bonner | Slate Under most countries' intellectual property laws, including the United Kingdom’s, the person who actually pushed the button owns the photograph, unless the work was made for hire. That means Wixtröm technically does not own the copyright to Bolt’s photos, unless he and the sprinter negotiated a rights transfer in writing. F3 Act II | The Sony Tech Guy | Pro Video Coalition A wrap-up on the updates to the Sony PMW-F3 which were announced a couple of months ago. Also the CBK-MH01 which appears to "just" be a monitor hood; rather expensive at $619.95. ...