Well, it's NAB, so that's hardly surprising, but there's a bunch of interesting things that caught my eye: a) Apple announced Final Cut Studio 2 . Another upgrade expense, but as always they seem to throw in some cool new features that you feel like you just have to have . I haven't looked too closely, but the feature that is supposed to remove camera shake sounds very neat. b) Microsoft wants everyone to stop using that pesky Flash format for streaming video. So they have come up with Silverlight , which is cross platform (for the moment; I'm sure once they put Flash out of business they'll dump that pesky Apple support.) The big plus for this one is it's support for HD, but if it just fixes the many synch problems that Flash has, then people will probably jump at it.. c) Meanwhile, Adobe wants to bring Flash video to the desktop . The Adobe Media Player (hmmm...interesting name) will "let users subscribe to and play video podcasts published with RSS (...