Story vs. Gear
Vincent Laforet has been playing with the RED Epic , and has been posting about the experience. It seems pretty clear that, at least in this case, he thinks this gear does make a decisive change in the way you capture stories both because of the ability to capture high quality stills from a sequence: ...this camera has made me think A LOT. And ask a lot of "big" questions… such as: "Does the challenge of capturing "THE DECISIVE MOMENT" still exist when you can capture a 14 megapixel image at 120 frames per second? " For someone who idolized Henri Cartier Bresson and worked on mastering the capture of that "decisive moment" for most of my career – it is not a question I ask lightly. "Are the days of the "still camera" numbered?" as well as the HDR capabilities, and looking towards future needs: So why 5K some of you may ask? Well for one, it’s "future proof" – or we can expect it to be high enough resolution to ...