Thursday, September 23, 2010

Director Mark Romanek on Fresh Air

Mark Romanek wrote and directed the feature film One Hour Photo, a psychological drama starring Robin Williams as a lonely photo technician. His latest film is Never Let Me Go, based on a book by Kazuo Ishiguro, who also wrote The Remains of the Day. He was interviewed by Dave Davies on today's episode of Fresh Air's.

There's several interesting parts to this interview, including why (and how) he came to use Robin Williams in One Hour Photo, and the making of the Hurt music video with Johnny Cash.

You can listen to it on the web: Director Mark Romanek Tackles 'Never Let Me Go'

1 comment:

  1. People are shrugging their shoulders at this movie, either whining about its differences from the book or complaining that it's boring (which damns any melancholy attempt at apocalyptic, dystopian tragedy no matter how perfect). I saw a pre-release preview and thought it was brilliant. Will enjoy hearing the interview (and will try to forget all the commercial music video garbage that brought fame to Romanek).
