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Canon C300 Tweets
Drones Set Sights on U.S. Skies | Nick Wingfield & Somini Sengupta | NY Times
It'll now be legal to use remote controlled helicopters for shooting video:
Testing the 7toX Final Cut Pro 7 to Final Cut Pro X conversion | Scott Simmons | ProVideoColation
Scott tries out the 7toX XML tool for Final Cut Pro:
Zacuto EVF vs SmallHD DP4 – which EVF? | Paul Joy | Blog
A very in-depth comparison of two EVF's, with the Zacuto EVF Pro coming out - slightly - on top.
VLC 2.0 first look: Video player app features new single-window UI and robust media support | Kelly Hodgkins | TUAW
A look at the latest update to this useful media player:
VLC 2.0 Released: What’s New, And An Interview With VideoLAN Developers | Federico Viticci | macstories
This article also looks at the latest update to VLC, and includes an interview with two of the developers:
On L.A. Streets, It's Not Easy Being Green (For Bikes) | Weekend Edition | NPR
A story on this morning's All Things Considered about changes to two streets often used by filmmakers:
MacBreak Studio Live - February 16th, 2012 | YouTube
Part of this video show covers the latest update to Final Cut Pro X:
Panasonic GH2 hack for V1.11 firmware is out! | Andrew Reid | EOSHD
An update to the GH2 firmware:

detailed tests find no advantage to external recorders w #C300 - use internal cf cards
Vincent Laforet @vincentlaforet
#C300 over crank slow motion (720/60) is decent, I'd say a bit more than DSLR's 1080P detail when uprezzed. C300's 1080p much sharper tho
Paul Antico @AnticipateMedia
Drones Set Sights on U.S. Skies | Nick Wingfield & Somini Sengupta | NY Times
It'll now be legal to use remote controlled helicopters for shooting video:
A new federal law, signed by the president on Tuesday, compels the Federal Aviation Administration to allow drones to be used for all sorts of commercial endeavors — from selling real estate and dusting crops, to monitoring oil spills and wildlife, even shooting Hollywood films. Local police and emergency services will also be freer to send up their own drones.
Testing the 7toX Final Cut Pro 7 to Final Cut Pro X conversion | Scott Simmons | ProVideoColation
Scott tries out the 7toX XML tool for Final Cut Pro:
I was curious as to how well it would work converting an entire project. The project I chose to throw at it was a music video that was cut from a live performance, a bit of music video specific performance and a ton of broll. It was a large job considering there was well over 10 hours of media. The performance itself was captured with 7 cameras and that includes rehearsals as well as the live performance.
Zacuto EVF vs SmallHD DP4 – which EVF? | Paul Joy | Blog
A very in-depth comparison of two EVF's, with the Zacuto EVF Pro coming out - slightly - on top.
If I were purchasing again now I’d probably go for the Zacuto EVF just because I find it’s image more accurate for colour and exposure, it has more software features and a longer battery life. If you’re more interested in nailing focus or need something that also makes a decent stand alone monitor with an audio monitoring ability then the DP4 might be a better choice.
VLC 2.0 first look: Video player app features new single-window UI and robust media support | Kelly Hodgkins | TUAW
A look at the latest update to this useful media player:
I have a video library with a wide variety of file formats and VLC was able to playback every file I threw at it. It handled the standard .mpg, .avi and, of course, .mov files. It also played some oddballs that most Mac players don't support including .swf, .asf, and .wmv files.
VLC 2.0 Released: What’s New, And An Interview With VideoLAN Developers | Federico Viticci | macstories
This article also looks at the latest update to VLC, and includes an interview with two of the developers:
- What’s the most important achievement in VLC 2.0 from a functionality standpoint?
Felix Paul Kühne: A vastly simplified interface. Many service discovery modules and the media library displayed in the sidebar on the left used to be around in VLC for years, but these were hard to find for most users. It’s a major improvement to be able to use these with a single click or to be able to browse one’s video, music and pictures folders without using the Finder or browsing Open dialogs.
On L.A. Streets, It's Not Easy Being Green (For Bikes) | Weekend Edition | NPR
A story on this morning's All Things Considered about changes to two streets often used by filmmakers:
Weekend Edition Sunday host Rachel Martin speaks with Paul Audley, the president of Film L.A., about the new bright green bike lane on Spring Street in Los Angeles. The shade of green, and the placement of the bike lane have angered film crews, who normally use the street as a stand-in for metropolitan areas around the country, and for several eras.
MacBreak Studio Live - February 16th, 2012 | YouTube
Part of this video show covers the latest update to Final Cut Pro X:
MacBreak Studio hosts Mark Spencer and Steve Martin are joined by old friend Brian Gary to discuss the incredible new features in the spring update to Final Cut Pro X (10.0.3), such as true multi-cam editing, keying, and new control for the Color Board.
Panasonic GH2 hack for V1.11 firmware is out! | Andrew Reid | EOSHD
An update to the GH2 firmware:
Vitaliy Kiselev has just released a new version of the GH2 hack, PTools v3.64d for the new Panasonic V1.11 firmware. The latest version of PTools also supports the GF2, adds more AVCHD related patches and brings improvements to certain existing GH2 patches.
It is good to see Panasonic allowing further hacking and not battering down the hatches on their new firmware update.
