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A Response to the Walter Murch SuperMeet Post | Chris Portal | Blog
Chris wrote up a lengthy report on the Boston SuperMeet the other day, which attracted quite a bit of attention - as did Walter's comments about Final Cut Pro X. Chris adds a bit more interpretation to those comments:
The second unofficial graphic enhanced manual is launched: Final Cut Pro X - The Details | FCP.Co
Edgar Rothermich has released another guidebook to Final Cut Pro X. At the moment it's available in electronic format only for $5.99
Sony Lays Out Roadmap for F3 Upgrades, Lenses | Bryant Frazer | StudioDaily
Sony has more details of future enhancements and products for the PMW-F3. There's two new zoom lenses, and a new version of S-LOG: S-LOG EI (Exposure Index) mode:
Z-Finder EVF Firmaware 2.0 | Support | Zacuto
Zacuto has released a firmware update for their EVF. v2 adds: 1080p support for 24, 24 and 30 fps, a Frame Store Feature, added Frame Box appearance to Frame Lines menu, along with several bug fixes and improvements.
Sorry Weblebrities. Traditional Media Has Ad Value Density. | Kevin Nalty
| WillVideoForFood
YouTube has announced several content deals with large companies and personalities. What does this mean for the current YouTube "Weblebrities"?
Zacuto Indie Shoulder Rig Review by Mick Jones | Mick Jones | Zacuto
Not really a review so much as a collection of comments from Mick about the Indie Shoulder rig and other Zacuto gear he has used.
Sony NEX-FS100 Q&A - Replacement top handle | Aaron Nanto | Vimeo
Another video from Aaron, this one on using the Berkey System NEX-FS100 Accessory Mounting Plate.
Canon Announcement Rumors Round Up. Final Thoughts | Jared Abrams
| Wide Open Camera
Jared collects together the rumors he's heard about Canon's Thursday announcement, including:
What to expect from RED’s Nov 3 Scarlet Update? | Matthew Jeppsen | FreshDV
Don't forget that RED will make an announcement on Thursday too. What will we get; Unicorns?
Avid Online Event Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 1 pm ET (10 am PT) | Avid
November 3rd seems to be turning into a very big day. Now Avid is having an online event where it's suspected they will talk about Avid Media Composer 6.

Chris wrote up a lengthy report on the Boston SuperMeet the other day, which attracted quite a bit of attention - as did Walter's comments about Final Cut Pro X. Chris adds a bit more interpretation to those comments:
Walter Murch ponders where the “pro” is in FCPX? True, but this statement requires context. The comments he expressed with respect to feeling traumatized and confused, were all in the context of describing his reaction to the FCPX release in June. It was not made in the context of the September FCPX update. In fact, although he is still recovering from the shock everyone went through earlier in the year, he found the September release encouraging, despite FCPX still having a ways to go.While Walter did say he was encouraged, it was clear that he still didn't think he could use FCPX as it stands. Chris notes that Walter was asked what he'd use if he was going to edit a movie now, and Walter gave an "it depends" answer which to me sounded like he'd use FCP7 if he could, or Avid or Premiere depending upon what the director etc, felt like. I didn't get the impression that he'd be using FCPX.
The second unofficial graphic enhanced manual is launched: Final Cut Pro X - The Details | FCP.Co
Edgar Rothermich has released another guidebook to Final Cut Pro X. At the moment it's available in electronic format only for $5.99
Sony Lays Out Roadmap for F3 Upgrades, Lenses | Bryant Frazer | StudioDaily
Sony has more details of future enhancements and products for the PMW-F3. There's two new zoom lenses, and a new version of S-LOG: S-LOG EI (Exposure Index) mode:
This is a version of the CINE EI mode originally developed for the F3's big brother, the F35. It allows an operator to step through exposure-index values, shifting the S-LOG gamma up or down to capture more detail in either the shadows or the highlights. The setting becomes especially useful because of the relatively low noise level of the F3's imager.Odd that they have come out with a new version of S-LOG. I thought S-LOG was the digital negative... [Sorry. I had to say that, because Sony's use of digital negative as a marketing term for S-Log has been a pet peeve of mine!]
Z-Finder EVF Firmaware 2.0 | Support | Zacuto
Zacuto has released a firmware update for their EVF. v2 adds: 1080p support for 24, 24 and 30 fps, a Frame Store Feature, added Frame Box appearance to Frame Lines menu, along with several bug fixes and improvements.
Sorry Weblebrities. Traditional Media Has Ad Value Density. | Kevin Nalty
| WillVideoForFood
YouTube has announced several content deals with large companies and personalities. What does this mean for the current YouTube "Weblebrities"?
Nobody’s going to die quickly, but all signals suggest YouTube/Google is shifting its emphasis — from web originals and amateur “weblebrities” to celebrities and large content providers. Why? The latter has the potential of attracting people who aren’t using YouTube, and Google apparently believes it will have them coming back again (if they heed Louderback’s suggestion about creating content frequently).
Zacuto Indie Shoulder Rig Review by Mick Jones | Mick Jones | Zacuto
Not really a review so much as a collection of comments from Mick about the Indie Shoulder rig and other Zacuto gear he has used.
I’ve been shooting with Zacuto rigs for years now and I’ve recently been using the Zacuto Indie Kit for handheld work on cameras that weigh a little more than a DSLR, like the Sony FS100 and Panasonic AF100. I have used a modified Zacuto Fast Draw for quite some time and it was comfortable for DSLR work, but the larger cameras require a bit more stability.
Sony NEX-FS100 Q&A - Replacement top handle | Aaron Nanto | Vimeo
Another video from Aaron, this one on using the Berkey System NEX-FS100 Accessory Mounting Plate.
Canon Announcement Rumors Round Up. Final Thoughts | Jared Abrams
| Wide Open Camera
Jared collects together the rumors he's heard about Canon's Thursday announcement, including:
* There will be at least two cameras announced, possibly three.
* PL and EF for sure. I also think a 5D3 will be “announced” but not shown.
* A Set of Canon Prime Lenses will be shown. All manual capability.*** This is Big.
What to expect from RED’s Nov 3 Scarlet Update? | Matthew Jeppsen | FreshDV
Don't forget that RED will make an announcement on Thursday too. What will we get; Unicorns?
RED has stated that the Nov 3 announcement will be related to Scarlet, that elusive unicorn of a camera that they’ve been tempting indies with for roughly three years now. Heck, maybe longer…I lose count when it comes to Scarlet du jour. Anyway, what’s interesting is that in the last week, with the fanboys in both camps whipped into a frothing, wide-eyed rumormill frenzy, RED’s Jim Jannard has been tempering expectations on the Reduser forums.
Avid Online Event Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 1 pm ET (10 am PT) | Avid
November 3rd seems to be turning into a very big day. Now Avid is having an online event where it's suspected they will talk about Avid Media Composer 6.
