Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quick Links

Matte Painting - After Effects Breakdown "I Am Legend Spoof"
| The VFX Bro | YouTube
This video takes you step-by-step through producing three effects shots in After Effects. It's amazing what you can do these days with very little; a green screen and After Effects and away you go!

Original iPhone Film Festival | website
Enter the Original iPhone Film Festival, it's free! Deadline is September 30th

Zacuto EVF Firmware 1.01.00 | Zacuto
The first firmware update for the Zacuto EVF is now available. If includes:
  • Audio meters enabled that are able to be positioned in any of the four corners.
  • Battery meter can now be positioned in any of the four corners
  • Audio loop through enabled

Cinematic geography and the problem of genius | John August |
A couple of weeks ago Rob Ager posted on YouTube a clip "Film psychology THE SHINING spatial awareness and set design" where he looked at parts of Kubrick's movie "The Shining" and dissected how set design anomalies were used to disorientate viewers. At the time, I thought he might be over-thinking things - just look through IMDB to see countless examples of movies where sets don't match exteriors - but John August has written a long objection to the original thesis.

Lucas loses Star Wars copyright case at Supreme Court | BBC
Copyright laws differ, allowing man to manufacture and sell copies of the Stormtrooper uniform in the UK, but he can't sell in the US.

The fine art of YouTube | Steve Johnson | Chicago Tribune
Is YouTube growing beyond cat videos? Can you make a living making YouTube videos?
One of the strongest lessons imparted at a workshop YouTube conducted in Chicago for its area "partners" — the name it gives content creators popular enough to potentially draw advertiser attention and share in the revenue — was to keep a steady posting schedule. "Last year I did videos five days a week for the whole year, and the audience just grows and grows and grows if you make yourself dependable," Benzine told fellow creators at the event.

Unbound’s struggle to build crowdfunding for books | Bobbie Johnson | Gigaom
An example of crowdfunding not working.
In particular, I think there is a dangerous tendency to believe that crowdfunding is simply about tapping up members of the public for cash — whereas it is really about communities choosing their own destinies. Just like crowdsourcing before it, there needs to be a real sense of involvement and authenticity if projects are going to be more than just about doing things inexpensively

Paul McCartney 9/11 documentary to air on US TV | Sean Michaels | The Guardian
Film about former Beatle's experience in New York following 9/11 will air on eve of 10th anniversary of terrorist attacks

DVD review: Forget The Film, Watch The Titles! | Leonard Maltin | IndieWire
One of the unfortunate side-effects of so many filmmakers choosing to forego a formal opening and throw——audiences right into the action is that it’s relegated titles to a back-row seat, figuratively speaking. But some directors still realize that a good opening title can set the mood and lead audiences into a film in the right frame of mind (no pun intended).
Amazon: Forget The Film, Watch The Titles

Sony NEX-FS100 Super 35mm video camera test footage | Dan Crowell | Vimeo
Test footage shot with Sony's new super 35mm video camera NEX-FS100 UK using the stock 18-200 3.5/3.6 E-mount lens.

Sony NEX-FS100 Super 35mm video camera test footage from Dan Crowell on Vimeo.

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