Sony PMW-F3 News

First Thoughts
Vincent Rozenberg gives his thoughts after spending some time with the PMW-F3. He notes that the production lenses are much sturdier than the "plasticky" pre-production models, and adds that his sales-rep told him the lenses are manufactured by Konica-Minolta.

While he generally likes the features and the ease-of-use compared to working with DSLR's, the price difference does give him pause.
I just did a couple of days of shooting with the 7D and the first thing what came up my mind was that finally we can do proper focus with this depth of field. Because of the good LCD screen, the peeking and the 2x digital zoom check which we know from the other cameras in Sony’s PMW line-up. Beside that it is basically an EX-1 menu- and button -wise.
The post includes a sample video.
vincentrozenbergI played with the Sony PMW-F3 today; my thoughts

Noise, Sensitivity and Photosite Size
Ryan Koo at NoFilmSchool compares the sensor size and number of pixels in the sensors in the PMW-F3 and RED Epic and tries to calculate the photosite size; the theory being that the larger the photosite, the more sensitive it is. It remains unclear whether the information - and the theory - is accurate...
NoFilmSchoolDoes the Sony F3 Have 5X the Light Gathering Ability of the RED EPIC?

PMW-F3 rig
Alister Chapman at XDCAM User explains the rig he's currently using with the PMW-F3.
XDCAMUserGenus Matte Box, Rails and Shoulder mount on PMW-F3

Lens Comparison
Hello World Communications has posted some outdoor video tests shot with Arri Ultra Primes, Sony PLs, and Zeiss CP1s. VimeoSony PMW-F3 Exterior Daylight Lens Comparison

Timelapse Video
Matthew Allard posts another sample video from the PMW-F3, this time a time-lapse taken in the city at night: F3 Time Lapse Nagoya, Japan
