News From Here & There

BBC says "meh" to 3D
Broadband TV News reports that the BBC is anything but enthusiastic about 3D production, even though Sony is assisting them with a broadcast of Wimbeldon in 3D.
There is no standardisation of the technologies for acquisition, post production, contribution or distribution of S3D. This approach is likely to suit a smaller but better funded number of players in the movie industry. Within the broader, more diverse and often less well funded television making community a lack of standardisation would be a more significant issue; not just for S3D as a format but also in financial terms for the producers and commissioning broadcasters.
BroadbandTVNews: BBC warning on 3D standards

Commandants for Low-Budget Filmmakers
Elliot Grove offers 10 tips for low-budget filmmakers:
4) Thou shalt spend proper time in pre-production
The week or two before you shoot is pretty crucial. If you have a well-oiled and organised approach, this time will make sure that whatever freebies, and cheap deals you have managed to gather will serve you to the fullest and not be wasted. Make sure you have the legal angles covered as well.
Raindance: 10 Commandments ForLow Budget Filmmakers

Scriptwriting Tips
10 tips from theScriptLab:
3. Three-Act Structure
The experts can debate sequences, but all agree the story is told in three acts, with a turning-point to end Act I and II.
theScriptLab: Top Ten Screenplay Essentials

Jeff Hutchens - photojournalist & documentary maker
Zacuto interviews photojourmalist and documentary maker Jeff Hutchens, whose work has appeared in The New York Times, CNN, Time Magazine and The National Geographic Channel.
Zacuto: Featured Filmmaker ~ Jeff Hutchens

At MasteringFilm an excerpt from The VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Industry Standard VFX Practices and Proceduresexplains how to shoot better greenscreen.
A common misconception is that backing brightness should be adjusted to match the level of foreground illumination. In fact, the optimum backing brightness depends only on the f-stop at which the scene is shot.
MasteringFilm: Greenscreen Exposure
