Massachusetts Seminar Series

The Massachusetts Production Coalition is promoting a series of 2hr seminars on different topics.
This series of six Seminars held throughout the year provides an overview, focusing on each stage of creating film and advertising media. Guiding you through the production process from start to finish – these seminars will cover the challenges and nuances of creating media and production, and turning hard work into creative success.

Each phase of production will be covered by key leaders in the industry with presentations and a panel discussion on essential film and media making topics.

The 2-hour seminars will cover a range of topics with speakers and presentations for the first hour, followed by a panel discussion for the second hour with Q&A sessions to open the conversation.
Sessions: Concept & Writing: March 24th, Pre-production & Producers: April 28th, The Shoot: May 5th, Post Production & Visual Effects: September 15th, Post Audio: November 10th.

Full 6-Seminar Series: $250 (MPC Member) $220
3-Session Pak: $135 (MPC) $115
Individual Seminars: $50 (MPC) $45

Mass Production Coalition: Seminar Series
