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5D Mark II Firmware 2.1.1 | CanonRumors
Another update on a firmware update, this time with details, but the update is still not actually available anywhere to download! No noted change in video performance.

Q&A | 07. { WHITE BALANCE & KELVIN } | Casey L. Warren | Blog
Turn off Auto White Balance and learn about all things Kelvin:
4. Keep things consistent.
To me, I focus less on getting the whites balanced and more on overall color balance & consistency. If you are shooting a narrative, then focus in on the people. If you are shooting a product demo video, the focus is on the product -- make sure that the focus of what you are shooting is kept consistent throughout different lighting environments in the piece. For example, if you were to make a brochure for the Canon 5d mark II, you would want to make sure that the black color of the camera is kept consistent in daylight, indoor, mixed, etc, etc lighting environments, and you can do this with Kelvin.

Interview with Canon Managing Director Mr. Maeda | Jon Fauer | Film And Digital Times
And interview with Mr. Masaya Maeda, Canon’s Managing Director and Chief Executive of Image Communication Products Operations:
Q: When you were designing this camera, did you say, “Okay, we need a camera that shoots in really low light”? Was that an early important feature?

A: Yes, from the very beginning. But I do believe that we can still improve on our sensitivity. What we would like to truly target is shooting a crow in the middle of the night. And maybe, some day, the black spots on the sun.

Logitech gives up on Google TV | Jared Newman | PCWorld
Logitech loses money on their GoogleTV product, and decides to get out of that business for now:
So it’s no surprise that Logitech is running away from Google TV. Current CEO Guerrino De Luca didn’t rule out returning to the platform eventually, but for now De Luca said Logitech plans to sit “on the bench,” according to The Verge. A “grandchild of Google TV” may have a chance at success in the future, De Luca said.

5 Lessons on Doc Interviews | Heather McIntosh | MasteringFilm
Lessons drawn from the documentaries of Errol Morris:
2. Be prepared for equipment failure.
Being prepared is good advice, and equipment failure caused one of Morris’s more interesting interviews in The Thin Blue Line. Instead of a camera, we see an audio cassette recorder, which plays Harris’s confession to the murder. This scene caused some speculation about Morris’s intentions, but it actually was due to equipment issues. The end result, though, is an iconic scene and an important moment.


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