News From Here & There

Roger Deakins Forum
Cinematographer Roger Deakins hosts a discussion forum on his website, and even pops up frequently to reply to questions and comment. Roger has made several comment's over the past year about the end of film and moving to digital, and he's answered several questions about this.
I did test the image from the Alexa right through to a release print. That's not something I always do but with a new camera and the digital format I wanted to be sure of the final image the audience would see if it were a film print.The main difference between film and digital is the sharpness of the image. The crisper digital image does tend to see more blemishes than a film image but that is purely to do with the way the camera resolves fine details.
RogerDeakinsOnline: Forum

More Sony PMW-F3 Tests
Timur Civan has posted a second test with the PMW-F3 (he previously looked at low-light performance) and has posted a resolution test:
This camera is sharp.  It resolves cleanly 31 lines per millimeter on the sensor itself. This is good for an HD camera.
TimurCivanSimple resolution test of the Sony F3
NotesOnVideo: News From Here & There

Creating 3D Effects in Final Cut Pro
Simon Walker demonstrates how to create 3D effects within Final Cut using Red Giant Warp.
RedGiantFinal Cut Friday: New Quicktip on Creating 3D Effects in Final Cut Pro

More on Panasonic pre-NAB announcements
In addition to new workflow tools, Panasonic announced a new monitor, the BT-LH910l, a 9-inch LCD monitor for field and studio applications with 1280 x 768 WXGA pixel resolution, a new solid-state AG-HPD24 P2 deck, and reduced prices on P2 cards.
PanasonicRolling The Dice At NAB with New Panasonic Pro Video Products

10 reasons to stay out of film business
Jared Abrams at Wide Open Camera offers ten reasons why you shouldn't get involved in the film industry. Jared says he just wanted to share some of the hard truths of the business, and I think that can be useful BUT, I would point out that nearly every one of those reasons applies to other creative vocations.
WideOpenCamera10 Reasons To Stay Away From The Film Business


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