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Red Scarlet X Footage #001 - Botanical Garden (30 Seconds) | Tonaci Tran | Vimeo
Footage shot on the Red Scarlet X using Zeiss Super Speed and Color graded in Redcine X Pro (Alchemy). There's also links to full frame grabs and the R3d files.

SuperMacro - Sony FS100 - Zeiss ZF.2 | Tommy Soulier | Vimeo
A supermacro video created with a "back to front lens in front of the first one" using a Zeiss ZF.2 85mm 1.4 and 35mm 2 on a Sony NEX-FS100.

Kicking the Tires on Avid Media Composer 6 | Scott Simmons | ProVideoCoalition
Scott offers his initial thoughts after spending a few days with the new release of Avid Media Composer:
So Avid did what was a smart, cautious move. With MC6 they’ve ported the application to 64bit which provides a modern foundation to move MC into the future as we’ve discussed before. They’ve also freshened up the interface with a more modern look. Stereoscopic editing has been enhanced to make Media Composer the only real choice for serious 3D. An online marketplace has been added to purchase different types of content and plugins from within the application. Most importantly, the cost of Avid hardware has been greatly reduced while opening up Media Composer to any piece of 3rd party hardware that supports it.

Pimp Your After Effects | Stu Maschwitz | Prolost
Stu explains how he likes to set up parameters and preferences for After Effects, as well as some sources for scripts and add-ons:
After Effects is a professional tool by any measure, but it is designed for a broad user base. So an artist who plans to push it hard will want to tune the application accordingly. Here’s what I do to a default installation of After Effects to prepare it for my special kind of abuse.

3 New Takes On Personalized Web Video | Sarah Kessler | Mashable
Short write-ups of three web video apps:
Rawporter helps you get credit and compensation for valuable images you snap during newsworthy moments. iBroadcast.TV makes creating a personalized channel for YouTube videos easy. Bambuser puts the power of live video in the hands of anyone with access to a smartphone.

53: Using Photoshop for Video | Larry Jordan | EditSmarter
A one hour, $29.99 lesson on using Photoshop for video:
Larry Jordan shows you how to use Photoshop to prepare images for video; resize and deinterlace video stills; repair, scale and correct problem images; and how to use the video retouching capability in Photoshop to fix problems that Final Cut Pro just can't solve.

If You Hope to Have Your Film Distributed, Get These Free Documents from the Tribeca Film Institute Now | No Film School
Links to the kinds of documents you need to have if your film is picked up by a distributor:
...if your film is acquired, you do not simply send over the movie itself, but also need to have a cornucopia of legal documents ready, including photo releases, chain of title, music cue sheet, and an errors & omissions policy.

One-click Transitions in Final Cut Pro 10.0.1 | MacBreak Studio
Changes to the way transitions can be applied in Final Cut Pro X are explained: Transitions are like swear words; they are most effective when used sparingly.
Mark Spencer shows Steve Martin how to add Transitions to your edits in the new Final Cut Pro X. He also shows you a trick to add a transition to multiple edit points at one time while maintaining the storyline structure of your project.
YouTube: MacBreak Studio: Episode 142 - One-click Transitions in Final Cut Pro 10.0.1

Justin Olsen Shoots Amazing Mountain Bike Photos With a Chest-Mounted DSLR
| Stan Horaczek | Pop Photo
Never mind helmet cams, this guy mounts a DSLR on his chest!
I had been fooling around with hanging the camera around my neck and sticking the lens through a hole in my jacket. Through trial and error, I came up with the idea for my current rig. A few months later I was approached by Camelbak with an assignment for some custom POV images of one of their team riders hitting some fairly big bike jumps. In order to accomplish this I was going to have to put my camera in a very risky situation and that motivated me bring this idea to fruition.

Philip Bloom Slow Motion Water Balloon #2 | eeyorehoop | YouTube
Philip Bloom gets water-ballooned at a workshop at Rule Boston Camera:


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