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The Trivialities and Transcendence of Kickstarter | Rob Walker
| The New York Times
Another look at Kickstarter, though this time from the perspective of the site management rather than those who have created Kickstarter campaigns. There's some interesting information that I didn't know; for example just under 2,000 proposals are received a month, and about 40 percent are rejected, although mostly for not following the rules:
With so many ideas pouring in, Kickstarter could adopt a passive stance and simply let “the Internet” take over. But instead, approved projects often get a little advice: make a video, adjust your rewards, lower your funding goal and so on. Kickstarter is as much about unlocking creators’ marketing potential as their creative potential. The company takes a cut — 5 percent — of the money raised on successful projects. (The transactions are processed through an Amazon.com service, which takes a slightly smaller cut.) The founders say it is profitable.

Zacuto EVF Lag w FS100 | Paul Antico | Vimeo
Paul posts a video comparing video lag for the Zacuto EVF when used with the Sony NEX-FS100. While there, the lag does seem very slight.
As you can see there is a very minor amount of lag, but nothing I would call unusable or that's going to mess with pulling focus. I get minor lag with my Marshall 7" monitor too, though it's nearly imperceptible there.

A photographer moving to video – David Paul Carr talks about his experiences
| David Paul Carr | DSLR News Shooter
A photographer talks about his movement to video, he opens with an interesting thought: "Video allows me to record things that would previously have gone unrecorded. It sounds obvious but for me it’s quite magical."
I am convinced that it’s only a matter of time before the divisions between photography, video, etc will become completely blurred. As computers become cheaper and more powerful and video resolution and frame rates increase it will become easier and easier to grab quality frames from moving images. And when raw video becomes more accessible that quality will only get better and better. In 2009 one of my corporate clients shot a very expensive TV commercial campaign and made excellent billboard-size ads from the video footage. When I saw that I realized that everything was going to change…

How do I get into this filming lark and make money from it? Part 2: Rates and surviving | Philip Bloom | Philip Bloom.com
Philip puts together a very long post on rates based on information he got from others, as well as his own experiences. He also offers some tips and advice on getting work:
4: Treat every job, no matter how tedious, as if you are doing a Terrence Malick film. If you slack off it’s a slippery slope. Always make an effort even on the dullest jobs. It keeps you interested and makes YOU stand out. I have seen people not bother on jobs they don’t care about and it shows. That same client may then not give them a great gig because of this.

Fox Intl To Stop 35mm Print Distribution In Hong Kong-Macau: Digital Only After Jan. 1 | Nikki Finke | Deadline Hollywood
The move away from film accelerates with companies announcing the switch to all-digital distribution:
After that date all Fox feature film content in cinemas will be provided exclusively through DCI-compliant digital media formats. Through December 31, 2011 Fox will provide its films in both 35mm print and DCI-compliant digital formats to the region.

Lab pact heralds twilight of film | David Cohen | Variety
Another sign that film distribution is coming to an end:
Citing collapsing demand for film prints as theaters shift to digital projectors, lab giants Technicolor and Deluxe have struck subcontracting agreements that edge them toward an end to their century-old competition in 35mm release printing.

Premiere Pro Video Adrenaline: Roundtripping with Audition | Richard Harrington | CreativeCOW
Richard Harrington looks at Adobe CS55 and how it integrates with Audition. This podcast covers moving back and forth from a Premiere Pro sequence to edit in Adobe Audition.

Do you see what I see? | BBC
Interesting article about how we perceive color:
This is why you see optical illusions, because when looking at an image that is consistent with your past experience of "real life", you brain behaves as if the objects in the current images are also real in the same way.


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