News from Here & There

Switching from Final Cut to Adobe Premiere
Apple may be trying to take down Adobe Flash, but Adobe isn't afraid to take the gloves off and return the favor; they are hosting a series of webcasts on what it's like to go from Final Cut to Premiere. There's links to the four separate webcasts at the Provideo Coalition, which cover:
  • Day 1: Leveraging Advanced Features and the Mercury Playback Engine in Adobe Premiere Pro with Chris Fenwick
  • Day 2: HDSLR editing in Adobe Premiere Pro with Richard Harrington
  • Day 3: Tight Integration and Multi-Format Timelines in Adobe Premiere Pro with Colin Smith
  • Day 4: Making the Switch Q&A with Industry Experts Karl Soule & Kevin Monahan
ProvideCoalition: Thinking of Switching to Adobe Premiere Pro

Lighting Design
In the first of what he says will be a series, Shane Hurlbut talks about lighting in the context of lighting for a scene in the 1998 movie "The Rat Pack."
ShaneHurlbut: Lighting: An inside look into “The Rat Pack”

Zacuto Product Review
Chris Gronau does a quick review of the Zacuto Z-Finder, as well as the Zacuto shoulder mount, handle and gunstock. 
[He seems to have the Z-Finder Pro 3x, while I have the Z-FInder Pro 2.5. I was never able to compare both at the same time, but a couple of sources seemed to suggest that they preferred the Pro 2.5 because though it didn't give as much magnification, it was easier to see the whole scene with the 2.5]


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