Monday, April 12, 2010

Adobe Premiere script-to-screen feature

This morning Adobe rolled out CS5, and they had an online "event" that you could sign up for. I came in on it late, but from what I saw of it, they were pre-recorded clips of different people giving very quick! enthusiastic! highly-caffeinated! demos of four or five of the new features that they loved! Each segment was only about five minutes long, but after two, I was exhausted.

I'm sure I missed the best part - that's just my luck - but while I'm still knocked out by Photoshop's Content-Aware fill, it looks like there's some neat things in the new versions of After Effects and Premiere - and I'm not just talking about the Mercury Playback Engine.

After Effects
The improved Roto Brush seems to let you cut out objects by almost just pointing at them (if the demo is to be believed, a simple - very rough - swipe with the paint brush is all you need to do.) It looks pretty amazing.
mocha for After Effects v2 improves on motion tracking.
Other features include new color controls, and a 3D mesh warp tool

Premiere Script-to-Speach
I've already mentioned several other features in Premiere, but this one is intriguing. They've added Adobe Story (a "cloud" based scripting tool) to the suite, and tightly integrated it with Premiere and OnLocation. It will take the script and add it to clips as meta data. Not only that, but speech analysis will attempt to automatically match clips to the script for you - wow!

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