Monday, August 22, 2011

Quick Links

Testing the Noktor 50 f/0.95 for Sony E Mount with the new NEX- C3
| Steve Huff | Steve Huff Photo
Steve reviews the Noktor, which is now available in E-mount. He looks at it's capabilities as a still lens, not a video lens, though he describes it as a cinema lens because the aperture ring does not click and you can lock the aperture down with a twist of a metal knob.

He previously reviewed the micro 4/3 version, and had reservations about that lens, but he thinks this one is an improvement, even though it can still be a challenge:
As with the Micro 4/3 version, this lens is a CHALLENGE to use. I shot it all night in the Fremont street area of Las Vegas and it was tough to get sharp images. Why? Well, this lens is NOT really that sharp when wide open. It CAN be a teeny bit sharp if you nail the focus, or if you stop it down to 1.4 but using focus peaking, shooting quick, and shooting wide open was a HUGE challenge.
The lens is about $1,000 (the price on Noktor's website is in Hong Kong dollars, not US!): Noktor Products.
Note: He used it on the Sony NEX-C3, and he praises the peaking feature on the NEX-C3 for helping get focus.

Simple Workflow for Removing 2:3 Pull Down | Andy Shipsides | Cine Technica
Andy explains how to extract 24p video from a 60i file using Apple's Compressor app or JES Deinterlacer. This is useful for owners of several Sony camcorders, including the NEX-FS100:
Some cameras, such as Sony’s FS100, will record in 1080 24p, but output only 1080 60i over HDMI. The FS100 does this to make its output compatible with monitors and other devices. The internal video recording is true 24p, but the output has gone through a 2:3 pull down process, whereby the 24p is converted into 60i.

Sony NEX-VG20H Handycam Camcorder | Photo Rumors
A very low-res picture of the NEX-VG20H - which looks exactly like the NEX-VG10 - along with some specs. The camera is expected to be announced later this week.

Color Grading "Bridge of Names" at Fini | Rachel Bites | Elyria Pictures
A few pictures from Rachel of Patrick Inhofer (The Tao of Color) using DaVinci Resolve 8 "at the helm of what looks like the Starship Enterprise..."

The Swiss Army Knife Filmmaker
| Robin Schmidt | Zacuto
Interesting thoughts about being a jack-of-all-trades, and the limitations thereof:
I’ve reached a major barrier in my own development as I need to take a big step up in the level of work I do but I don’t want to give up my independence. Collaboration is the only way to make that big step assembling talents to complement what little I possess myself. The only way to retain your independence is to think big, commit far beyond what is normally considered correct and bring everyone else with you.

Zacuto Clearance | Zacuto
Zacuto has a clearance page where they are selling a limited quantitiy of gear, including reconditioned EVF's. [I have no affiliation with Zacuto.]

Free Isn't Always Free | Alexis van Hurkman | vanhurkman
How do people make money from content?
Popularity in and of itself doesn’t pay for anything, unless the audience is buying the content, buying schwag, or buying access to live performances (for an episodic science fiction series, touring is probably not a realistic option). So, if you’re not charging your viewers, then most monetized free-to-the-public models of which I’m aware pay the bills with advertising, and then hope you buy something material like a t-shirt, DVD, book, or poster.

Odd & Ends
  • Fauxgo: This is fun; a collection of fake logo's from fake companies that appeared in various movies.
  • Cinemgraph | FilmmakerIQ: a series of still photographs in which a minor and repeated action occurs created from Kubrick movies.

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