Sony NEX-FS100 News

  • Yesterday, someone asked; "how many blog posts were made about the Sony NEX-FS100 today?" I counted at least 50; half of them were mine! Meanwhile, the video from F Stop Academy with Den Lennie got almost 12,000 views in a day; which suggests there's quite a bit of interest in this $6,000 camera: NEX FS 100 Video Blog.

    And if you're looking for some more sample footage, there's this video that features a variety of lenses including E-mount, A-mount and Zeiss PL mount Compact Prime CP.2 lenses: Youtube: NEX-FS100 Lenses and some footage shot by the editors of Videomaker with Sony's E-mount 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 lens and A-mount 35mm f/1.4 G Series lens with an adapter: YouTube: Sony NXCAM Super 35mm Test

  • Den Lennie NEX-FS100 Web Chat time correction. If you're interested in catching the Planet5D webchat with Den Lennia (who got to play with a pre-production NEX-FS100) note that it's at 4pm EDT, not 3pm as originally reported: planet5D live with Den Lennie

  • More thoughts on the NEX-FS100; from Paul Moon who highlights some of the features in the camera in this post: Advanced technical features. And video producer Tony Reale comments about the F100: "The AF100 is the event shooter's large sensor cam. The FS100 is the budget filmmaker's large sensor cam."

  • Unless something amazing happens (like the retail price is announced at $3,500) I'm going to resist further NEX-FS100 updates today...


Thanks for the updates.

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