ikan HDSLR Revolution 2010 Short Film Competition
ikan announces the HDSLR Revolution Short Film Competition
Deadline: November 29th
Create a film using your HDSLR camera that utilizes the ikan name, logo or an ikan product in a creative, positive manner. Your film must adhere to the simple, one-word theme of ‘revolution'.
To Enter the Competition:
- Join the “HDSLR Revolution” vimeo group.
- Create your entry of no more than 3 ½ minutes.
- Upload your video to the “HDSLR Revolution” vimeo group.
- Send us your completed entry form.
- Kick back until the winners are announced December 15.
Judging Criteria:
- Adherence to the theme (yes, we know it's broad… but we know you're creative!)
- Mastery of the HDSLR medium: winning videos will push the limits of the HDSLR in new and innovative ways.
- Originality in the usage of the ikan name, logo or an ikan product of your choice.
- Overall creativity of the entry, the story and the method of storytelling.
- Make sure to keep it clean. Nudity, foul language from small children and obscene or profane behavior are not recommended!