Friday, August 30, 2013

A "cheap" Sony 4K Camera and other news

The Cheap Sony 4K
SonyAlphaRumors has a picture of an upcoming cheap 4K camera from Sony that may sell for less than $5,000. Cheap, of course, is relative.

This isn't really news; the idea of a camera like this was previewed back at NAB, as Cinescopophilia points out. I'm quite sure that Sony will come out with a 4K camera that looks like this; the question was never 'if,' only 'when' and 'how much?'

But before you get too excited, note that this camera is basically the same body as the HXR-NX5U and HVR-Z5U. These cameras have a FIXED lens, and 1/3" sensors. This is not the 4K replacement for the NEX-FS100. It could still be a nice camera for documentary work, though the image better be worth the extra $$ compared to the price of the HXR-NX5U.

Other News

When a Camera Manufacturer Hates Me… | ProVideoCoalition
Art Adams responds to being called out by Jim Jannard in his final post to Reduser:
I have a lot of respect for RED. They changed the world in a lot of good ways, the most important of which is that they've kicked their competition in the ass to lower costs and make higher quality cameras. That's huge. Unfortunately RED has also made it acceptable to ship cameras that aren't complete yet and empower our clients to take important equipment decisions out of the hands of the very people they hired to make those decisions.

Why Make Video Look Like Film? An Inside Look… | DV Info
An interview with one of the creators of FilmConvert
it’s hard to say what the film look is. It’s not the exact colours that are important, but moreover film has what I call a more “organic” feel: the highlights roll off nicely, the shadows roll under nicely, there’s a strange twist in the middle of the colour response, and a curious lack of real deep blues. When running through a projector, the fact that the photosites move around from frame to frame (grain!) adds to the effect, which your brain puts together and screams “film!”

Yesterday I was lucky enough to receive one of the first production Blackmagic Pocket Cinema cameras to arrive in China. I’ve been quite excited about this little camera ever since it was announced at NAB earlier in the year. Anticipating its arrival I have built a small kit of lenses and accessories that should turn it into a workable camera system. Central to this are fast lenses that allow for reasonably shallow depth of field with its small sensor.

Black Betty: the First Cinema Camera That Can Shoot, Edit, & Post Footage Completely Internally | NoFilmSchool
Building cameras seems to have become a hobby for everyone:
Black Betty is much more than a camera. It’s a complete cinema solution utilizing an Apple Mac Mini computer with a Silicon Imaging SI-2K Mini for the imager. It also happens to be the first single unit camera in existence capable of shooting, editing, and posting footage online, without the need for any other hardware.

Rewriting How-To | Just Effing Entertain Me
This ability to identify your story as having a beginning, a middle and an end will serve you very well when you have to ask yourself what the reader will “get” from your story. Again, this is a prerequisite of screenwriting and no joke.

Editing Room Confidential: The New Roles TV and Film Editors Must Play Now | Adam Epstein | Tribeca Film
The first in what is promised to be a series of columns by 'SNL' editor Adam Epstein:
 "I am an editor," is now assumed to be the start of a list rather than a declarative statement. "I am an editor…who is also a sound designer. And a compositor. And I can make motion graphics. And know how to troubleshoot computer systems. And follow the trends in software, hardware and storage technology.

Know Your Market! | Digital Bolex
The folks working on the Digital Bolex camera write about film distribution:
There are many reasons why distribution companies pick up certain films. It may not always make sense to you, or you may not understand why your film is not getting the attention that a similar project appears to be getting. The most obvious reason why companies buy a film is that it fits the audience of their brand that they’ve spent years cultivating. Documentary distributors buy documentaries because they distribute documentaries.

The Missing 5 Pages: A History of Fine Line | Ira Deutchman
Distribution from the other side:
Those of you who have watched my Keynote at the Art House Convergence may not have have realized that in the interest of time, I ended up cutting out five pages of the planned speech–an entire decade of my experience founding and running Fine Line Features. There is some interesting information in here about the politics of theatrical exhibition, and how that relates to the success of Sony Classics. 

All you wanted to know about the BMCC & BMPCC from Joao LCD. on Vimeo.

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