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3 Minute Short Film Challenge BTS | Aaron Strader | Vimeo
I already wrote about the 3 Minute FIlm Challenge (FilmmakerINSIDE A THREE-MINUTE FILM COMPETITION) but Aaron Strader made a Behind-The-Scenes video:
I was asked at the beginning of the day to shoot a BTS by Paul Antico and Rick Macomber. Shot everything with my Canon 60d. Big thanks to Todd Mahoney for supplying me with great GoPro video!
Part of the July 1, 2012 "Under 3 Minute Film Challenge" sponsored by Anticipate Media and Macomber Productions. For this challenge each cinematographer, using a pen as a prop, had to produce a narrative script and shoot it in a few hours on location at The Willows Park in Salem, MA. In addition the phrase "This isn't going to be easy" also had to be used in the story.

3 Minute Short Film Challenge BTS from Aaron Strader on Vimeo.

Interview with the creator of the Automatic Speech Alignment feature in Audition CS6 | Ellen Wixted | Adobe
Brian King is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering, and for the last several summers he’s worked as an intern in Adobe’s Creative Technologies Lab, an internal “think tank” where some of the technology that makes our products work like magic is developed. Brian’s research led to the hugely popular Automatic Speech Alignment feature, also known as Rubbadub, which he initially previewed at Adobe’s MAX conference in 2011.

REVIEW: Adobe Production Premium CS6 | Adam Garstone | HD Magazine
I was interested to see Adam note some performance problems and other issues in Premiere Pro, having spent the day fighting with the program:
Premiere Pro CS6 is a fantastic release, but it’s a shame that Adobe seem to have added lots of attention grabbing new features without fixing some of the fundamentals that are broken, and always have been. With its 64-bit architecture, Mercury Playback Engine, 4k support and complete lack of Magnetic Timeline (ahem!) PP CS6 could have been, in many ways, the missing Final Cut Pro 8.

Adobe Hardware Performance White Paper | Chris Meyer | Pro Video Coalition
I might need to read this; but I don't have a MacPro:
The core of it then goes through each of the programs covered and discusses which functions in each stresses which components of a system (for example, ray-traced 3D rendering in After Effects CS6 greatly benefits from specific qualified NVIDIA video cards that support CUDA processing, while multi-processor rendering in After Effects benefits from having more RAM).

A couple of tutorials for After Effects:
reducing flicker for stop-motion animation and time-lapse photography
| Todd Kopriva | Adobe
There are many causes of flicker, including–but not limited to–auto camera settings, the type of lens used, high aperture settings, fast shutter speeds, Av stepping, Tv stepping, natural lighting changes, incandescent and fluorescent lighting, fluctuating electricity, clothing worn while animating, and the materials that are being photographed.

Tutorial - Time Lapse in After Effects | Chris Fenwick | One On One
On the BMW MINI Takes the States 2012 trip we shot a lot of time-lapse shots. I told Nicole Salmeri, my assistant editor that I would show her how I process time-lapse shots in AE… this is a REAL fast run thru of how I process the shots.

“We’ll fix it in post!” - A résumé of my first feature film | Daniel Freytag
Daniel says he hates the expression, and offers some experiences of his own:
Our initial idea was to record video and audio separately and to sync them before the edit using PluralEyes. That was a mistake! Marc, our soundman, and I now know that you should never rely on software! PluralEyes is still a great tool to sync video and audio files. But somehow it didn't like our footage very much and after dozens of hours there was a large part which couldn't be synced! Afterwards we developed a better workflow how to handle a 5D and external sound (or use a decent camera with real audio inputs).

User Review: SONY f65 Cinealta Camera | David Proctor | HD Magazine
Our early testing used the full RAW S-LOG recording at 24p, offlined in DNX and onlined on Dirty Looks’ Baselight with colourist Tom Balkwill. We were instantly impressed with the camera’s colour rendition, natural skin-tones, native sensitivity and excellent dynamic range. The mechanical rotary shutter also completely eliminates rolling shutter, the plague of all CMOS sensors.

Round Trip Between Avid Media Composer and Davinci Resolve | manonthedollar
| YouTube
A small boy discovers an efficient way to move seamlessly between Avid and Resolve, and heals a nation.


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