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| Michael Murie | Filmmaker Magazine
The second part of an interview I did with Todd Mahoney about his experience with the Sony NEX-FS100:
You were using the kit lens?
Yes. The only problem with the kit lens is if you are trying to do a zoom pull, it’s very tight. It’s not smooth enough; that was the only downside of the lens. I think that with the FS700, when they make a lens for the rocker, that will solve that.

Overview of Miller Compass series of tripods | Philip Bloom
Philip looks at just some of the tripods he uses:
A good tripod should be right up at the top of your list when you buy kit, along with some basic lighting and basic sound gear. Before a camera, before lenses. Why? Because these are not camera specific. They will also last you through multiple cameras. A good tripod will last a hell of a long time, that is if you spend money. I had been asked to recommend a good tripod recently for $100. I couldn’t.

Media Encoder Help / Help and tutorials | Adobe Blog
Some help and info on Media Encoder:
Encoding quick start
Add and manage items in the encoding queue
Working with log files
Working with custom encoding presets
File formats supported for import

Forget Windows Media Player, Here Are 3 Free Ways to Play WMV Video on a Mac
| OSXDaily
I use VLC for this, but this article recommends a couple of other apps as well:
#2: VLC
VLC is the classic swiss army knife for video files, it will play virtually any video format, it’s cross-platform compatible, it’s quick, and it’s free. VLC’s other benefit is that it works fine with obscure audio formats, and if you’re wanting to stream a video from one computer to another you can easily do that too.

Adam Kerchman | Blog
Adam is a Boston/New York based D.P. who's been pretty busy lately; read his blog, which includes some stuff about the recent Three Minute Film Competition (my write-up on that should be up in a couple of days):
One of the last shots of the day was the final portion of Paul’s piece. He looked at me, and asked if I wanted some time behind the camera. Now it was my turn to look at him like he was nuts. OF COURSE I DO! I got to shoot everything at night. The slide was on a Kessler Cineslider, and everything within the car was handheld. Both were completed in one take:

Quick Guide to Video Lighting | Evan Pugh | DPReview
Intro tutorial:
I was talking to someone recently and telling them about the gain on one of our new digital video cameras and how high you could push it without too much grain and they said 'great, that will save having to light'. This got me thinking. Are we not in the business to make the best looking pictures we can that are artistically designed to best tell the 'story' whether that be fiction, documentary or corporate?

What I like about Red Epic…and what I don’t like about Red | Michael Sutton
| Wide Open Camera
Clearly Mike is a thrill seeker, as he takes another poke at the hornet's nest that is the world of RED fanboys:
Now for what I do not like about Epic and Scarlet. I do not think the Scarlet was marketed properly and fairly to Epic owners. Yes I am sure I will get lambasted for this but I really don’t care and have said this from day one. If I bought a Epic (and many of me friends did) for $58K plus dollars and then Scarlet was announced after I paid I would be a little agitated. Yes the two are different but scarlet having a factory second Epic sensor, the ability to use the same accessories, and for the most part having the same codecs, etc at a fraction of the price is a real pisser.

The Magic of Rancho Las Lomas | Dan Douglas | Vimeo
Time-lapse and slow-motion shot with the Sony NEX-FS700.

Young Life's Southwind Camp | W. Ashley Maddox | Vimeo
Another nice movie with slow-motion that...wait...it wasn't shot with the NEX-FS700?!! No! It was shot with the Sony NEX-FS100, Gopro, & Canon 60D. Sure, it's not super slo-no, but it's not bad at all...


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