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Canon EOS Rebel T4i | TJ Donegan | Digital Camera Info
The first review of the new Canon is already up:
It starts at the camera | Oliver Peters | digitalfilms
Interesting thoughts about not relying on how well modern cameras handle bad lighting:
The Depth-of-Filed-Quiz for Camera Assistants | The Black and Blue
A quiz spilt into two parts; the first part tests your knowledge of the basic principles of depth-of-field, while the second part tests your ability to accurately guess the amount of depth-of-field with a real-world situation:
What’s missing from today’s tech based editing | Ron Sussman Edits | Blog
Ron suggests that the old way of film editing provided the assistant editor with much more exposure to the process:
Remove banding in After Effects | Rich Young | Pro Video Coalition
Some tips on reducing banding in footage:
The Weekend Report, June 10, 2012 | Leonard Klady | Movie City News
I saw Prometheus in 2D too:
Writers + Directors, Part 2: Working With a Director | Jill Remensnyder | Zacuto
Tips on working with Directors:
Having a Look at Resolve 9 | Alexis Van Hurkman | Blog
A tutorial for DaVinci Resolve:

The first review of the new Canon is already up:
The major improvement to AF is seen in live view shooting and video recording. In either mode on most DSLRs, the normal method of phase detection autofocus is not available, forcing the camera to rely on contrast-detection AF. With the T4i’s new image sensor, the camera has a hybrid phase/contrast detection system available in the middle of the frame, combining with Canon’s new stepping motor lenses to provide smooth, silent autofocus tracking to the subject.
It starts at the camera | Oliver Peters | digitalfilms
Interesting thoughts about not relying on how well modern cameras handle bad lighting:
All too often though, producers take the “fix it in post” mantra way too seriously. Since modern cameras offer excellent low light sensitivity, the basics of good lighting and proper art direction get short-changed. If the director, DP and lighting crew are allowed a bit of time to exercise their craft, the results will be so much better in the end.
The Depth-of-Filed-Quiz for Camera Assistants | The Black and Blue
A quiz spilt into two parts; the first part tests your knowledge of the basic principles of depth-of-field, while the second part tests your ability to accurately guess the amount of depth-of-field with a real-world situation:
1. Which camera or lens setting has no effect on depth-of-field?
Focal Length
What’s missing from today’s tech based editing | Ron Sussman Edits | Blog
Ron suggests that the old way of film editing provided the assistant editor with much more exposure to the process:
I got to sit right next to the editor and watch which shots he chose and why. I got to hear the discussions with the clients and I was directly involved with the editorial process. On top of that, since I had been working with this footage since dailies and had organized it into select rolls, I knew the footage better than the editor did. I knew which roll every stray single frame came out of and if the editor needed a CU of, says a particular actress, I knew where to find it among 24,000 of film.
Remove banding in After Effects | Rich Young | Pro Video Coalition
Some tips on reducing banding in footage:
It’s a bit of a mystery why there’s still so much banding in TV & web graphics.
Maybe people can’t preview in the appropriate color space or codec to see banding, which may be eliminated by adding the AE Noise filter (or Add Grain) at about 5% (maybe on an adjustment layer).
The Weekend Report, June 10, 2012 | Leonard Klady | Movie City News
I saw Prometheus in 2D too:
Of note this weekend was the fact that both of the national debuts were 3D offering with 74% of Madagascar playdates stereoscopic and Prometheus going out with 92% of its engagements in the process. However, 3D accounted for 42% and 54% of the respective films box office.
Writers + Directors, Part 2: Working With a Director | Jill Remensnyder | Zacuto
Tips on working with Directors:
2. Speak up early or suffer the consequences. If everyone wants to turn your drama into a slapstick comedy and you don’t speak up, do you really think standing your ground on the first day of filming is going to get you very far? Don’t be the jerk holding up the shoot.
Having a Look at Resolve 9 | Alexis Van Hurkman | Blog
A tutorial for DaVinci Resolve:
I was pleased to be in Montreal, presenting to the Final Cut MTL group’s PostNAB 2012 gathering, and they’ve released the video of my Resolve 9 preview on YouTube. If you’re a current Resolve user, you have a lot to look forward to. If you’re not, but you’re thinking of getting started, the next version will make it a much more enjoyable experience.
