Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quick Links

PHYR Resolve HD | PHYX
A new Mac application from PHYX for up-rezing video footage from standard def - or other resolutions - to HD 720p or 1080p. Features include:
  • reduces noise and pixelation artifacts
  • batch list function
  • interlaced footage converted to progressive format
It's $49.95, and though it works on Snow Leopard and Lion, they note that it encodes video twice as fast in Lion.
At least one person has wondered whether it's a good idea to use the name Resolve, when the color grading tool DaVinci Resolve is often simply referred to as Resolve.

Litepanels Files Complaint with the ITC | IKAN
IKAN has published a short statement about the complaint that Litepanels has filed with the United States International Trade Commission against IKAN and 15 other companies that import and sell solid state and LED lighting devices and components:
IKAN will oppose the complaint. Interested parties may contact the U. S. International Trade Commission and voice their concerns in this matter. For more information, please contact:
James R. Holbein, Secretary to the Commission, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, S.W., Washington, D.C.20436, telephone (202) 205-2000.

Review of the SmallHD DP4-EVF 4.3" High-Resolution Monitor & EVF | Ron Risman | CameraTown
A lengthy review that finds the DP4-EVF to be notably larger and heavier than the Zacuto EVF, which causes some problems when working in the field. However, the LCD is 4.3 vs the Zacuto's 3.2", which does make it a better small monitor. He likes the layout of the controls better than the Zacuto but noted a delay when going into record mode when used with the Canon 5D II, which switches the video output format when it goes into record. The Zacuto did not exhibit such a long delay.
With the SmallHD DP4-EVF you'll get an excellent 4.3" monitor that makes it much easier to pull focus while recording, has the flexible mounting advantage, and the ability to use the loupe to turn it into an EVF. Of course, the extra screen size makes the unit bulkier as an EVF for anything but tripod or shoulder rig work.

The Impact of Large Sensor Video Acquisition on the Pro Camcorder Market | Broadcast News Room
Short piece about the impact of large sensor cameras:
the real growth area at the moment lies within the pro camcorder segment and large sensor pro camcorders are going from strength to strength. In the first half of 2011, the segment accounted for almost a fifth of market volumes in EMEA, growing the market by nearly 20% when compared to the same time last year. And this increase comes from just four products.
It ends with a hint of a question; what will the DSLR makers do in response to all the large sensor video cameras that are appearing?

"Directing is really easy. It’s just inspiring everyone else to give their best, and then you put your name on it."
Guillermo del Toro (via: martinjablonski)

Flash Now Supported on iOS Devices. No, Apple Did Not Fold, Adobe Did!
| Hillel Fuld | appboy
Interesting development:
The new version of Flash Media Server will repackage content automatically for Apple’s mobile products, which lack Flash support, and implement HTTP Dynamic Streaming or HTTP Live Streaming, both of which are compatible with iOS.
As much as this article might paint it as a capitulation by Adobe, it's important to note that this is only adding support for video streaming. Flash is really multiple technologies including an interactive media technology, and a streaming video technology. A lot of sites use Flash video to stream video to their users, and this update provides support for that, but the Flash authored interactive menus, ads and games; they still won't work, and that probably won't change unless Apple allows Adobe into the iOS garden.

Multimedia Journalism – where is this slow train going in the UK? | Joe Sheffer
| JoeSheffer.net
For the past two or three years newspapers have been experimenting with adding "multimedia" (i.e. video) to their reports posted to the web; but is it working, is it the future?
In real terms it means that newspapers in the UK are very very confused about the value of multimedia content and what they should pay for it or who should pay for it. You have to consider that the time and therefore cost of producing a short three minute package to accompany a printed article is extremely expensive; especially when you consider the throwaway value of all content on the web.

10 Things to Remember When Shooting HD | Blain Brown | MasteringFilm
A short collection of tips on shooting HD video:
  • Nail exposure when you can, but if not, err on the side of underexposure, not overexposure.
  • Another problem is seeing too much detail in things like makeup, sets, and wardrobe.


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